Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Short Review of Day of Defeat:Source (Video Game)

Out of five stars I would rate it three and a half stars. I have not played the original game but I feel as if we are missing a story mode. Also the original game had other countries to play as which is not included in this version. I would prefer a profanity regulation on gamertags but other than that it's a good game. The graphics are fairly good the weapons have seeming accurate recoil. So this is my first review.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Evan's blogging partner: Arnav Saini (P.S. This was made by Arnav)

Hello! My name is Arnav Saini, and I have been invited to join Evan on blogging on this blog. I want to help Evan, so I accepted the invite.So That's all I wanted to say! Also, I have a few blogs of my own, so check these out too:      

                                                              MY MAIN BLOG           
                                                              MY GAMING BLOG
                                                              MY STORY BLOG

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's A Weird World

My name's Evan,
I'm different, I'm not into sports, not serious about sports, and want to be a psychologist when I grow up. I'm weird lets face it. I don't take being weird as an insult, ok maybe I'm exaggerating  a bit. A lot. Ok most of us kids aren't completely into sports. But sometimes you just wish that you could be popular and be yourself at the same time. The truth is that it doesn't matter if your popular, it matters that you are a good person. I know that some of the population is screaming at the screen wanting to rip my heart of out of my chest. Well haters gonna' hate! (not a reference to the song) I'm also writing a book, any suggestions for it. My books about how to deal with being the most popular person.

It's A Weird World,